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Promote a conscious, healthy and sustainable lifestyle that improves the lives of the community now and for generations to come.

Barley Fields

Our mission is to promote a conscious, healthy, and sustainable lifestyle so we can improve the lives of the community now and for generations to come.

Our role is not to tell people what to do but to curate relationships and supply chains that help them make conscious decisions in their daily lives.

We nurture the health of our community by connecting them with their wholesome local produce and make it easy for them to embrace a zero-waste goal with a convenient circular solution.


We all have been culprits of wasteful consumption, generating waste without understanding the consequences of it, until we realized that like us, there are many others, who each year, generate around 580KG of plastic waste per person that goes to landfill and our oceans.


We found that households were the biggest contributors to plastic waste, the biggest reason being the contamination of yellow bins. THAT's RIGHT! There are so many things that we think are recyclable, but throwing them in the yellow bin contaminates the entire recycling, and that's why 91% of plastic waste never gets recycled.


Once plastic reaches the environment in the form of macro- or microplastics, it contaminates and accumulates in food chains through agricultural soils or water which can cause many health problems like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke.

But, what can one do, when everything that we buy from our local supermarkets, either contain some sort of plastic or come packed in it.


So we thought, how do we buy sustainable and healthy food products, conveniently that produce zero waste?

That's why we created CYRCLE SHOP! A convenient circular solution that delivers wholesome groceries straight to your doorstep, and collects back empty packaging to clean and re-use for next orders. A simple solution that can create a big impact.


We realized, no matter what we do, as long as we are part of the current system, the one with irrational complex supply chains, the unnecessary layers of packaging, and encouraging wasteful lifestyles, we will continue to generate a big footprint. So it is about time we try something new.

Therefore, we strive to source locally where possible and consider the health and safety of the people and our planet in every decision we make.

Our Story


Supply chain

We want to lead a movement towards a natural and transparent supply chain that you can trust. Our team considers the health and safety of the people and planet in every decision that we make.


Zero Waste

By 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by weight. We support you to reduce your plastic waste so we make the planet a better place to live in. All products are delivered to your doorstep in reusable packaging that is then returned to us for reuse.



We provide you with nutritious wholesome ingredients that are beneficial to your health and are easy to incorporate into everyday life while encouraging the reduction of packaged and processed foods in your diet.


Measure positive impact

We measure our success on the amount of waste we’ve diverted from landfills. In addition to helping our customers reduce waste, we aim to lessen waste from the source. We are constantly working with our vendors to improve their overall sustainability.


Be Carbon Neutral

We believe in an integrated approach to tackling climate change. Package Free products help to reduce waste and methane emissions daily while offsetting our emissions from shipping and operations reduces CO2, restores vital ecosystems, and employs thousands in communities around the world.


Always add value through education

We believe that education is the foundation for positive impact and that every piece of content we put out should add value and inspire action. We share Zero Waste inspiration, environmental education, DIY’s, and everyday tips that are powerful tools for creating positive environmental and social impact.

Our Principles
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